viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Polonia, nueva víctima de la intensidad defensiva (60-35)

29/05/2015 Cinco de cinco. España sigue con paso firme el camino hacia el EuroBasket de Hungría y Rumanía con la quinta victoria consecutiva, la segunda en este Torneo Ciudad de Logroño, en esta ocasión ante una Polonia que no pudo en ningún momento con la intensidad del equipo de Lucas Mondelo.

Tras cinco partidos España está demostrando que será un equipo competitivo. Será difícil vencer a un conjunto en el que una selección como Polonia sólo consigue anotar 35 puntos. La intensidad defensiva del equipo de Mondelo es digna de elogio y aunque el seleccionador sea exigente y afirma que "debemos anotar 10 o 15 puntos más" España mantiene esa competitividad necesaria para afrontar un nuevo reto internacional.

En los cuartos impares España ha sido muy superior a su rival, que ha igualado las fuerzas cuando España se tomaba un respiro en el ritmo de juego y el balón y las piernas no iban tan rápidas. Anna Cruz es la anotadora que necesita España en momentos puntuales; Alba Torrens sigue dando lecciones de talento; Laura Gil añade al trabajo unas responsabilidades ofensivas que asume con desparpajo; y Leticia Romero demuestra que puede asumir roles importantes en este equipo. Se 'está cocinando' un gran plato, con ingredientes de primera calidad y al que le falta el momento justo de cocción.

La Clave

Sin duda, la defensa. El inicio de partido, colapsando el juego rival; y el inicio del tercer cuarto, con un nuevo parcial del 10-0 fue determinante para el triunfo final. Es difícil mantener esa intensidad defensiva, sobre todo en estos partidos de preparación, pero cuando España pone ese ritmo los rivales son incapaces de generar un juego fluido.

El Detalle Técnico

Lucas Mondelo optó hoy por salir con un quinteto muy alto, con Pascua y N'Dour como jugadoras interiores. Polonia no pudo atacar la defensa española con su poderío físico y se vio desbordada por el ritmo de juego. 

El Momento

El inicio del tercer cuarto combinó otro nuevo momento de gran intensidad defensiva con un juego muy vistoso en ataque, tanto en transiciones cortas jugando la primer opción ofensiva, como en jugadas de 5 para 5 en el que el balón se movía mucho más rápido que la defensa polaca.


Quinta victoria que provoca buenas sensaciones a la selección femenina, y que tendrá una piedra de toque importante ante Canadá en poco más de 12 horas. Se llega a la mitad de la preparación siguiendo la hoja de ruta marcada por Mondelo.

ESPAÑA 60         35 POLONIA

Estadística del Encuentro

S. Domínguez (5), A Cruz (11), M Xargay (2), L Pascua (-) A N'Dour (7) - cinco inicial - Q Casas (-) A Torrens (13), N Martínez (2), L Gil (8), L Herrera (6), L Romero (6) J McBride (6), J Zurowska (8) Krezel (-), Leciejewska (4), Skobel (-) - cinco inicial - Owczarzak (10), Pawlak (-) Zietara (-), Miedzik (-), Misiuk (-), Jujka (4), Koc (3)

“Nos van a dar mil patadas”. Leticia Romero desde la perspectiva de Amaya Valdemoro…

Leticia Romero

mayo 29, 2015

“Se cierra el ciclo de jugadoras, generación que nos tocó vivir grandes momentos, ahora es el momento de una generación nueva”, estas son las palabras de Amaya Valdemoro tras preguntarle por cómo ve a la selección española femenina.

Ya no están Anna Montañana, Elisa Aguilar, Marta Fernández, Cindy Lima, Amaya…
Poco a poco han ido colgando las botas y dando paso a “las nuevas”. Y si hay alguien que confía en el futuro de esta selección es Amaya: “Las generaciones que vienen ahora nos van a dar mil patadas a la mía. Astou Ndour, Angela Salvadores, todas ellas tienen la cabeza muy bien amueblada”.

Entre todas ellas, le preguntamos por una que, tras esta temporada, ha alcanzado el nivel de protagonismo suficiente como para representar a esa nueva España que viene en el baloncesto femenino. Nos referimos a Leticia Romero, jugadora de Florida State que llegó a la Final Four de la NCAA. Empezó en diciembre, más tarde que el resto. Fue el 24 cuando se hizo oficial la elegibilidad de Leticia para Florida State, es decir, dejaba de ser red shirt y podía volver a jugar.

Desde entonces, su equipo fue creciendo hasta casi acariciar el título. Su nombre, en todas las portadas. Incluso en ESPN. Amaya Valdemoro nos cuenta cómo la ve: “La conozco desde cuando debutó, tenia 15 años, no se la conocía. Leticia es una jugadora que va a crear una generación que va a dominar. Tendrá posibilidad en estos años de poder optar al título. He ido a USA y no hacen nada mas que hablar de Leticia, el impacto, cómo juega. Super tranquila, ha pegado un cambio tremendo, está muy fina. Una de las cosas que se teme es que cuando se van a USA engordan y se ponen fuertes. Pero está fina. Tiene un futuro tremendo, cuando salga de la universidad…”

¿Ve en Leticia a la Amaya del pasado? “El alero depende de su finura, yo podía ser buena pero si no metías puntos mi trabajo no estaba bien hecho. Un base puede dominar, es la extensión del entrenador. Se hará su propio nombre. El año pasado con España jugó poco y lo que jugaba se veía que estaba al nivel de cualquier base. El impacto es tremendo, es tranquila, domina el juego, usa el cuerpo, tiene un ‘timing’ fenomenal. Puede mandar mucho. Es una base que hace daño”.

Y termina: “Ojalá consiga todo lo que se proponga, dentro de 10 años mi nombre dejará de ser tanto nombre y ellas ganarán haciendo cosas. Estas jugadores que están ahora”.

Ojalá sea así, porque se confirmará que no solo su generación será la mejor en la historia del baloncesto femenino español. Sino que habrá dos que sean las mejores.

Foto: FEB
Foto: FEB
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Felicitación: Florida State Seminoles Women's Basketball

Happy birthday to our smooth shooting point guard Leticia Romero! 

Felicitación: Club Baloncesto Agüimes

Hoy queremos felicitar a una de las más grandes. Se inició en este deporte como jugadora de nuestro club, la hemos visto crecer y llegar muy lejos. Estamos muy orgullosos de ti Leticia Romero Gonzalez 

¡Feliz cumpleaños Crack!

Celebración 20 cumpleaños de Leticia Romero

La #SelFem posa tras celebrar el 20 cumpleaños de Leticia Romero

La diferencia nos completa

28/05/2015 “España no es la mejor selección, pero ha demostrado estos últimos años que sí ha formado uno de los mejores equipos” Son palabras de Alba Torrens. Una de las referentes de esta selección en la que todas ejercen el liderazgo desde el “Yo al servicio del nosotras”
Dentro de la pista el currículum de cada una de las integrantes de la selección que dirigeLucas Mondelo no deja lugar a dudas sobre por qué España se ha situado a la cabeza del baloncesto FIBA disputando incluso a la intocable Estados Unidos la supremacía mundial. Su secreto ha pasado a ser de dominio público ya que cualquiera de las integrantes del equipo nacional admite sin complejos que la fuerza de este grupo reside en el colectivo.

Cuanto más profundas son las relaciones en la selección más se refuerza su liderazgo colectivo. Afrontar cualquier reto en este grupo no es más que la unión de una serie de personas (jugadoras, cuerpo técnico, directivos, periodistas…) en torno a un sueño. 

Sin olvidarse de la importancia de las tecnologías las jugadoras de esta selección dan más importancia a las conexiones humanas que a las informáticas. Por eso ante visitas espontáneas como la de la Asociación de Autismo de La Rioja las jugadoras de España no han dudado en acoger a las maravillosas personas que se han presentado en la recepción del hotel Husa Gran Vía como parte del grupo haciendo suya la leyenda del regalo que han recibido: “La diferencia nos completa”

Y por eso se han repartido sonrisas, regalos y alguna sorpresa en forma de galleta con guantes para homenajear a la más joven del equipo, la veinteañera Leticia Romero que ha celebrado su cumpleaños en La Rioja antes de disputar el partido frente Gran Bretaña.

Leticia ofició de presentadora de unas novatadas protagonizadas por la delegadaSusana Ferreras junto a las invitadas Belén Arrojo y Miriam Forasté hace unos días, que volvieron a poner de manifiesto el ambiente especial que reina en un grupo focalizado en crear un ambiente de alto rendimiento en el que todas los integrantes de la Selección trabajan buscando la excelencia individual para obtener el máximo beneficio del grupo. Único camino para soñar con volver a competir por no perder la estela olímpica de Río 2016

Leticia Romero, una veinteañera en la selección

28 de mayo de 2015

Leticia Romero (d) con el resto de jugadoras de la selección española
de baloncesto durante la celebración de su cumpleaños en La Rioja
Jueves, 28 de mayo.

La jugadora agüimense Leticia Romero celebró su veinte cumpleaños rodeada por la gran familia de la selección española de baloncesto, que disputa estos días el Torneo Ciudad de Logroño como preparación del Europeo de Rumanía y Hungría.

Por ello, en el seno de la selección se repartieron  sonrisas, regalos y alguna sorpresa en forma de galleta con guantes para homenajear a la más joven del equipo antes del partido que medía a España con Gran Bretaña y que acabó con victoria del combinado nacional (70-41).

El encuentro, ante más de 1.500 espectadores y retransmitido por Teledeporte, se vivió en un gran ambiente festivo, pues al cumpleaños de la joven agüimense se sumaba también la celebración de los 100 partidos internacionales de Silvia Domínguez y los 200 de Luci Pascua.

Leticia Romero, por otra parte, ofició hace unos días de presentadora de las novatadas protagonizadas por la delegada de la selección, Susana Ferreras, y las invitadas Belén Arrojo y Miriam Forasté, que han vuelto a poner de manifiesto el compañerismo que reina en un grupo de jugadoras focalizado en crear un ambiente de alto rendimiento en el que todas sus integrantes trabajan buscando la excelencia individual para obtener el máximo beneficio del grupo, que es el único camino para soñar con volver a competir por no perder la estela olímpica de Río 2016.

Publicado en:

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015


Etiquetar fot

The path for Spanish superstar Leticia Romero to Florida State University had its twists and turns, but has turned out to be a match made in heaven. SB Nation website Swish Appeal gives an in-depth look at Leticia's journey to #FSUWBB in this 3-part series:


Exclusive: Leticia Romero finds peace and joy

Photo by Perrone Ford
In part three, Leti Romero discusses her post-KSU recruiting, her experience with the Spanish National Team and how things came together for this year's NCAA Elite Eight run by Florida State. She concludes giving us a look at Leticia Romero off the court.

Swish Appeal: How did FSU come on to the radar once you were released for the second time around?
Leti Romero: "They were one of the last schools that was released [on the list]. They were releasing colleges one at a time. I was talking to some of the schools that were calling me. I was thinking about FSU because I had come here and knew them. It was one of the places I wanted to check. I didn't get a call from them because they had not been released yet.
"So it was like a period of time where I was talking to colleges and didn't know [about FSU's interests]. Coach Sue called me [after the release was granted them] and she was like nothing had happened. It was very nice to hear back from her and have a conversation."

SA: What other schools were the finalists besides FSU during the transfer process?
LR: "I was considering several of them. I could only go to visit two different schools because I had already used up three visits going to junior colleges. I chose to visit FSU and Louisville."

SA: What actually clinched it for FSU?
LR: "I had fun at both schools. I really liked Louisville, too, but I already knew the coaches here. I knew Coach Sue was that kind of coach that takes care of the players. Brooke [Wyckoff, assistant coach] was here too. When I came back and met the players and spent time with them and with Coach Sue, it was just the right fit.
"I felt like after one year I had much more experience than I had when I first came to visit FSU [out of high school]. I felt like I was looking for something different than the year before."

SA: Last summer, you were on the Spanish National Team. Can you talk a little bit about that?
LR: "It was an amazing experience for me. Even though I didn't get to play many minutes, just being there, learning from really experienced players that are playing professionally right now, it was the first time I had been with that team. I never even thought I was going to make the team last year because there are many good players there [in Spain].
"Just, even the training camp was really competitive. So, just going with them to the championship, having that kind of experience against the USA team, it was a really good experience for me. I think I learned a lot."
SA: You didn't expect to play this past season according to NCAA rules. Tell us how you found out about being granted immediate eligibility in late December.
LR: "I was at home in Spain. I knew we had asked for the waiver but you know it was way before that and we didn't have any response so I forgot about it. I really didn't have much hope. I was back home for Christmas break. The team had a road game in New Orleans [Tulane] and I was watching the game at 3 am. As soon as they finished I went to sleep.
"I woke up with a message from Coach Sue saying that she had good news. "Call me." So, I waited until she woke up. She called me back and she told me that you are playing the next game. It was a surprise because I didn't expect it. It was amazing to have that kind of news."

SA: How did that change things for you as a player? What sort of mindset does that change?
LR: "The mindset when I knew I wasn't going to play at the beginning was to get better. It was a year where I was going to have a lot of time to practice on what I'm doing and what I don't do so well [to improve]. So I was really trying to focus on getting better as well as helping the team. I knew I couldn't help them on the court in games but I could help them by being with the scout team.
"When I found out I was going to play, obviously it was coming to the team and first try to know my teammates on the court. I knew it wasn't easy for the team to have a player in the middle of the season come in and suddenly start playing. I really took the time to try to find a way to fit into the team. That was my first focus to find a role and fit into the team."

SA: As you look back on this past year at FSU what stands out for you?
LR: "I think not really being a team at the beginning of the season and not really knowing each other with transfers and newcomers [freshmen]. To be able to build a solid team in one season and do what we did, it makes me so proud. The fact that nobody thought we were going to get that far [Elite Eight], not even us at the beginning.
"We didn't know how good we could be. To go through all the steps and get to the ACC [Final], beating teams that were supposed to beat us, it is an amazing feeling."
SA: If you could, compare it (sophomore year) to your freshman year at KSU.
LR: "It is a lot different. Last year, I struggled a lot with the English. Other than that the teams were different. We struggled a lot with the team at Kansas State. I didn't think it wasn't because the team was not good but because we were really young. The starters were mostly freshmen.
"I knew we were going to get better so it was so much a learning process.  This year was different because I had a little more experience on the court. It was a whole different stage getting to the final of the ACC Tournament and to the NCAA Tournament."
SA: As you see yourself, what does Leti Romero bring to a team?
LR: "I think I try to do what a point guard should do which is run the team. I really like to make plays for my teammates, getting the team to run, the fast breaks. That's my main focus. Then I try to contribute as much as possible [in scoring]. If there is a game where I have the hot hand, I'm going to shoot it. If there is a game that I can't score the ball at all, I will try to find ways to help my teammates get open."

SA: Where do you think Leti needs to improve as a player?
LR: "Cutting down on the turnovers! That's going to be my main focus for next year."

SA: Have you picked out a college major?
LR: "Right now I'm majoring in international affairs but I'm trying to get all the requirements to change it to sports management."

SA: Any hobbies besides basketball?
LR: "I like to play any sport. Just the other day I went to play sand volleyball. Anything I can do with friends and teammates, going to the movies, chilling, having fun."

SA: In five years, Leti Romero would like to _______?
LR: "Playing basketball!"

SA: Professionally?
LR: "Yes, that is what I want to do if I have the opportunity after college."

SA: In ten years, Leti Romero would like to _______?
LR: "I really don't know what I want to be doing in 10 years, but probably be around basketball too."

SA: Leti, your English is a lot better than my Spanish. How old were you when you learned English?
LR: "My English was not good when I came over. I knew a little bit especially how to write and read. I was good at writing but in school the English they teach is like learning Spanish in school here. You don't use it and practice it enough. I couldn't even have a good conversation."

SA: So now you find it much easier to take courses in English?
LR: "Yes, definitely!"

SA: What advice would you like to give any young people in Spain about coming to America to go to college and also be an athlete?
LR: "I would tell them that it brings a lot of opportunities. It works for balancing studies and basketball. I would say to not be afraid to come. I know there are players coming more and more."

SA: Do you think there needs to be better knowledge overseas about the American game as to what it is like to come here. Is there enough information out there about the process of coming here and the different levels of play whether it would be ACC or mid-major?
LR: "I guess you can always find information but it is not really that easy to find. If you are not really into USA [college] basketball, you are not going to really know about it. It took me some time to figure out how everything really works."

SA: We could do better at this?
LR: "Yes!"

SA: Leti, thanks for your time! Continued success on and off the court!

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Exclusive: Leticia Romero's 60-day journey to freedom

Photo by Perrone Ford
Leti discusses her attempts to get the normal release to leave Kansas State. One thing that came across during the interview was that Leticia Romero bears no ill will toward the current Kansas State women's basketball coaching staff or the administration at the Kansas State University.
Swish Appeal: Were you surprised at the release of the Kansas State coaching staff at the end of your freshman year?
Leti Romero: "I was surprised. I didn't expect it. I was surprised because Coach Patterson had been there for 18 years. When I made my decision to come Kansas State, it was important to me to have the coach be there for my four years. I didn't know much about the United States.
"Again, my English was not good. I did not want to have to adjust twice to something different. I wanted to go to KSU because of the people who were there."
SA: Stability was critical?
LR: "Yes. When she had been there for 18 years, I never thought they were going to fire her. I knew the season was not good but I also knew that we [our team] were young so I really did not expect it."
SA: It wasn't any one thing then? It didn't feel right to you? It was more of a gut check then than any one thing?
LR: "Yes, it didn't feel right how everything was handled. I did not feel it was fair how the prior staff was released. Then the new coaches had a whole different philosophy. I was starting to be homesick. It was nearing the end of the year when I had to be home. It was eight months in a row and a spring break that I can remember. Everyone else went home and I was still there. It was like many things coming together. I just didn't feel right there."
SA: Did you meet with the new KSU coach (Jeff Mittie) and did he try to talk you out of transferring?
LR: "Yes, I met with him twice. He was the first person I told that I wanted to transfer. I let him know before I officially asked for the release. We had talks about it. He was nice, not threatening. He told me something like I might have to pay my own way for school."
SA: Were you surprised that KSU would not release you to transfer (with scholarship at the new school) which is customary?
LR: "I was really surprised. I never thought they had a legitimate reason to not let me go [with the normal release] if I was not happy there. I worked the whole year for the team and I didn't do anything wrong. I never acted in a bad way. The fact that they denied me the release without even telling me a single reason."
SA: They just said "no release for Ms. Leti." with no reasons given?
LR: "Yes. After I completely made my decision, I said I'm leaving no matter what. They may have thought there was tampering going on but if so, why didn't they ask me about it?"
SA: In a sense, they kind of stonewalled you. They said 'no release' and no further discussion. Does that summarize it?
LR: "Right."
SA: Did you know if it was customary for other players at KSU to get a release or was denied a release as you were?
LR: "I knew there were players from the men's team a few years before who had wanted to transfer and got their releases. I never heard of a player who didn't get a release at KSU [note that it was written elsewhere during this time period that someone in the KSU administration indicated that KSU was acting according to its normal policy in not granting Leti her release.]"
SA: As best you know other people got releases?
LR: "Yes. I said that in the appeal. They were telling me about the policy. You didn't apply the policy for these other players because no player was denied. The men's team released two or three players two or three years ago. There was even a player coming into the KSU women's program who had signed a letter of intent under the prior coaching staff and she said she did not want to come anymore [after the coaching change] and they let her go."
SA: So now they were threatening you with non-release, what actions did you take to try to get released in the customary fashion? Did you get a lawyer?
LR: "That was way at the end when everybody knew about it [my situation]. At the beginning I was trying to go through the process. I remember I wasn't ready for a 'no' that I couldn't talk to any other university. I remember that they said to send us a list and we will tell you who we are going to block. And they blocked everybody and I wasn't ready for that. Then I was told I could appeal and I appealed.
"I went to the committee [that heard my case] and they told me I was denied without any reason given to me. I didn't know what to do after that because I didn't have any other option. They did not want to talk to me that point."
SA: So you first tried to go through normal channels. They denied you. They would not give you any school that they would let you talk to from the list you gave them. You went to an appeal on your own and the appeal went against you. Is this where you went and got a lawyer?
LR: "Yes, I spent a couple of weeks trying to find out what to do. That was when everybody was starting to know about what they [KSU] did."
SA: Could I ask for the time frame when the new coach (Jeff Mittie] came on board when?
LR: "I think it was in mid-March."
SA: About what date were you denied the appeal by KSU?
LR: "I don't remember what day it was but I know it was the end of April or the beginning of May."
SA: At this point did you go get a lawyer? What did you do next?
LR: "I didn't know what to do. I asked many people what should I do. If there is an option that I can have. Some people told me that maybe a lawyer would help. I remember there were many people like Jay Bilas and Dick Vitale of ESPN. I talked to Jay Bilas and he wanted to help me. He called Kansas State to ask them what was going on. He was the one who gave me the contact of the lawyer."
SA: So you now got a lawyer. So you heard about the "free Leti" movement. You realized that it had gotten into the national media.
LR: "Yes, many things were tweeted about it."
SA: There were long stories written about your case.
LR: "Yes. I read many stories and even interviews were requested from newspapers."
SA: Kansas State took a lot of publicity hits from this. What made that suddenly change to give you a release?
LR: "I really don't know. The lawyer that I had was talking to them and they made a mistake regarding my list."
SA: How many were on your list?
LR: "I think it was maybe 99, not counting the Big 12 that I didn't put any of them on the list (pretty much every other D one school that is BCS). In the end they told me that they were going to release me to every school not on the list, which I did not understand. They made a mistake because some universities contacted them asking for permission to contact me.
"One of them KSU thought was not on the list and permission was granted to release me to talk to them. But the school was on my list. So I said if you are releasing me to one that is on my list, what is the problem releasing me to the other ones? Then my lawyer talked to them about it. They ended up releasing me to all schools on the list.
"I went to talk to the KSU Athletic Director and told him that I saw some tweets that he put on Twitter about tampering and concerns he had. I told him that I am not going to follow my former coaches [to Northern Colorado]. I think all of the things [administrative error, perhaps negative publicity] made them decide to release me"

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